Saturday, June 04, 2005

My Friend's Wedding

I played my violin at my friend's wedding today! It was a great wedding, a very meaningful, God-related service. I hope all of you grow up to be good husbands and wives, always looking to God for the answers to life's problems. I want to leave you with a message today, and that message is that when you choose to marry, marry someone you know that you will love ALWAYS under ANY conditions. You must understand that God has brought you together for a cause and purpose, to fulfill his plan. He has a plan for each and every one of your lives, and that plan may lie with a partner sent by Him to help you fulfill the plan. No matter what flys your way as you are joined together in union, you must never fail to get back up on your feet and walk again. Do not crumble. The Bible says, "What God has brought together, let NO man tear asunder". That is the truth. You are messing with His will when you start to tinker with a person's relationship. Do not tinker with it, because the Lord will punish you breaking His will. You must know that God has joined them together for a purpose, a NO ONE will destroy their purpose as long as it be God's will. Do not try to bend the will of God. That is one mistake you truly to not want to delve into. There are many consequences for doing such actions. "The wages of sin is death". This might seem a little scary, but it is true, and the Bible does not lie.


Blogger Gwenyth said...

I think that too! I am glad that the wedding was great!

12:18 AM  
Blogger >>>taylorrrrdangerrr. said...

I wish I could have been there.I think that as well.

12:51 AM  

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